• Current

Ditta Gioco Fiaba

Written and Directed by Luca Ciancia e Massimiliano Zanellati
Freely based on: “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” by R. L. Stevenson and “Mister H.” by F. Carofiglio
Cast Giuseppe Guerrieri, Marco Pezza, Anna Sala
Costume and props Designer Federica Ponissi
Set Designer Eliel Ferreira

5-10 years


The austere Doctor Jekyll, unable to let go and indulge in any pleasure, creates a potion to separate from himself what he deems the most unacceptable aspects of his soul. From this scientific magic will be born the dark figure of Mister Hyde, an animalistic and evil character, however capable of enjoying life without remorse. Palamides, a young psychologist, investigates and tries to solve the mystery by meeting both personalities who she believes are distinct individuals; but above all he will be the pivot, desired and courted by both, around which the story revolves.

h. 19.00


Teatro Verdi
via Pastrengo 16, 20159 Milano
tel. 02 27 00 24 76
